1. 德国史(本科专业选修课)
2. 德语文本阅读与翻译(研究生专业选修课)
3. 欧洲历史与文化(本科人文通识课)
1. 《帝国城市奥格斯堡的宗教改革研究(1518-1537)》(预计2023年出版)
1、Reformation Studies in China over Seventy Years, The Sixteenth Century Journal, vol.52, 2021.
2、Luther's Reception in china and the Evolution of His Image (1840-2020), Reformation and Renaissance Review (06)2021.
3、Eine Untersuchung zu lexikalischen Fehlern deutscher Muttersprachler auf der Basis des HSK-Sprachdatenkorpus, Fachzeitschrift „CHUN - Chinesischunterricht“, NR. 29/2014, S.1 –25.
5、寻找思想史中的“失踪者”马丁·路德——《马丁·路德著著作集》翻译工程与研讨会述评,基督教思想评论,(25) 2021.
9、“宗教改革500周年纪念:寻求欧洲危机的解答与民族认同重塑? ”,文汇学人,2017. 12.
10、“信仰与践行:奥格斯堡寡头集团影响下的早期宗教改革(1518-1534) ”,燕园史学,2016.11, 第166-186页。
11、“欧洲认同在中世纪早期的构建与当代挑战”,译,帕格里特·格里,文汇学人,2016. 06
12、 Peace and Quietude: Song Ceramics from the Qingjingtang Collection, trans. Robert D. Mowry, Macau Scientific and Cultural Centre, USA. 2015.
1、 An Isolated Island and Echo: Reformation Studies in China over 70 Years(1949-2019),in: Tenth Annual RefoRC Conference on Early Modern Christianity: Long Reformation and Historical Writing, hosted by the Research Centre for the Humanities. May 06-08, 2021, Budapest, Hungary.
2、The Global Reformation Impact on China:Luther‘s Propagation and Acceptance in the Chinese History of late 19th to early 20th Century, in: 2020 European Academy of Religion Conference, Panel "New Research on the Religious Reformations in the Long Sixteenth Century" 22.-25.06.2020 Fscire, Bologna, Italy.
3、 Differences and Connections of Studies on Reformation in China and in the West. Annual RefoRC Conference on Early Modern Christianity:Reformation and everyday life, May 27-29, 2020, Aarhus, Denmark
4、 Conflicts and Peace in the Constitutional Construction of Bi-confessional city of Augsburg----from a Perspective of Problems Coping Mechanisms of the City Council and its Governing philosophy (1548-1648) in: The Ninth Annual RefoRC Conference: War and Peace in 16th Century Religions, May 15-17, 2019, Bologna, Italy.
5、Faith and Authority: A Study of Policy Evolution of Reformation of Imperial City Augsburg(1518-1537)in: 2019 Sixteenth Century Society and Conference, 17.-21Okt. 2019, St. Louis, USA
6、 Early Confessional tolerance and intolerance in the policy of Augsburg City Council 1520-1530,in: The Seventh Annual RefoRC Conference, More than Luther: The Reformation and the Rise of Pluralism in Europe, hosted by the LEUCOREA in Wittenberg, May 10-12, 2017. Germany.……
1. Postdoctoral research project: “Confessional Interactions and Entanglements in the Early Modern Age: Case Studies of Rostock, Heidelberg, Ingolstadt and Augsburg”, 2018-2020, Guider: Prof. Dr. Thomas Kaufmann, Goettingen University.
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